Day 9
½ m² of sustainable fruit & vegetable cultivation for a family in Tanzania
Ensuring nutrition with family gardens Ensuring nutrition with family gardens

Combating malnutrition in Tanzania

Tobi Krell presents his favorite project in the video
Seedlings, seeds and gardening tools to enable families in Tanzania to grow fruit and vegetables sustainably
Local partners teach women how to feed their families healthily through home-grown crops and provide the necessary seedlings, seeds and tools
Measurable performance
Number of fully equipped vegetable gardens for families.
The number of better-nourished families is expected to increase and fewer children will need to be treated for malnutrition
Systemically relevant impact
Reducing malnutrition and undernutrition in the region and strengthening the role of women in the community

The good deed
About Tanzania
Dar es Salaam
Capital city
Gross domestic product
per capita per year
Rank 160 of 191
Human Development Index
(Human Development Index)