Day 5
One minute rolling clinic for the indigenous people of Mindoro
Meeting people halfway Meeting people halfway

Philippines: Medical aid on wheels in a remote mountain region

Simone Standl presents her favorite project in the video
Secure medical care for the indigenous Mangyan population in remote mountainous regions of the island of Mindoro, Philippines
Basic medical care for the Mangyans through the mobile clinic and training of local health workers
Measurable performance
Number of minutes of medical treatment of patients by the Rolling Clinic team and number of successfully trained health assistants
People’s health situation has improved through more frequent examinations and treatments and the trained health workers strengthen the local health system
Systemically relevant impact
The improved health increases the quality of life and life expectancy of the Mangyans, basic medical care is established and sustainably secured

The good deed
About the Philippines
Capital city
Gross domestic product
per capita per year
Rank 116 of 191
Human Development Index
(Human Development Index)