Day 4
One hour of care for a rescued cheetah cub in Somaliland
Cheetahs in a race for survival Cheetahs in a race for survival

On sale for the pet market

Hannes Jaenicke presents his favorite project in the video
Food and medical care for young cheetahs rescued from illegal wildlife trafficking in Somaliland
The cheetahs are cared for in a rescue centre until they can find a new home in a protected area
Measurable performance
Number of hours the cheetahs can be cared for in the sanctuary
The rescued cheetahs are given a species-appropriate, safe habitat and poaching is combated. This stabilizes the population in the wild
Systemically relevant impact
The surrounding communities are involved in the care and protection of the cheetahs and are committed to preserving biodiversity

The good deed
About Somalia (Somaliland is not internationally recognized as independent)
Capital city
Gross domestic product
per capita per year
no data
Human Development Index
(Human Development Index)