Day 10
20 minutes of intensive care for a premature baby in the DR Congo
A good start in life for premature babies!

Obstetrics at the hospital in Nzibira in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Improved intensive medical care for premature and complicated newborns in Nzibira, DR Congo.
The local NGO AEO/CNA procures medical equipment and medicines and trains health personnel to provide intensive care for newborns.
Measurable performance
Number of newborns receiving intensive care. Number of staff trained in neonatology (neonatal medicine).
Intensive care for newborns is improving. The number of deaths among newborns in the first 28 days at Nzibira Hospital is decreasing.
Systemically relevant impact
The health status of children under 5 years of age in the Nzibira region has improved sustainably and newborn deaths are decreasing.

The good deed
AboutDemocratic Republic of Congo
Capital city
89 561 404

Gross domestic product
per capita per year
Rank 175 of 189
Human Development Index
(Human Development Index)