Day 16

A meal for a schoolchild from a Roma community in Macedonia

Education for a better life Education for a better life

A meal for a schoolchild from a Roma community in Macedonia
Day 16
School education for children of a Roma community

Macedonia's largest Roma settlement, Šutka, is located on the outskirts of the capital Skopje. Dilapidated houses are crowded together with makeshift barracks. When it rains, the streets turn into muddy tracks. Several thousand children and young people live here with their families under difficult conditions. Many children cannot go to school due to financial and social problems. Without a primary school qualification, training and later entry into working life are almost impossible. In Macedonia, without a primary school qualification, you also have no right to state support such as social welfare and health insurance. This is a major problem for many Roma; up to 90% of this population group are unemployed. Discrimination by the majority society makes it difficult for the youngest children in particular to master school. This is where our partner organization "Nadez" comes in: The employees accompany numerous children from Šutka and their families on their educational path from the first day of school to the end of primary school after the 8th grade. In order to create the conditions for children to attend school on a permanent basis, humanitarian aid is regularly distributed to the families, a daily breakfast is prepared for the children, books and other school materials are distributed, and homework help is offered. In addition, workshops are held for parents to explain how important school attendance is for their children.

School education for children of a Roma community
Providing care for school children from the largest Roma community in Macedonia.
Street social workers accompany the school children and provide regular meals.
Measurable performance
Number of meals distributed to school children.
80 percent of the children in the project attend school regularly. Half of them manage to move up straight away.
Systemically relevant impact
Better educational opportunities, more social participation and better access to the labor market.

The Roma are the largest ethnic minority in Europe. There are about 10-12 million Roma living throughout Europe, about half of them in the EU. In almost all European countries, Roma face prejudice and social exclusion (EC, 2016).

Day 16
The good deed

The "Nadez" organization supports the schoolchildren from Šutka and their families every day with everything they need for a successful school attendance. From a simple meal to school materials to tutoring and support with legal and social problems. With this "good deed" we support Nadez in providing small meals for the students - a basic requirement and motivation for attending school!

Capital city
2 078 500
2 078 500
4 871 USD
4 871 USD
Gross domestic product per capita per year
Human Development Index (Human Development Index)

Macedonia was the only state of the former Yugoslavia to gain independence in the 1990s without military conflict. Nevertheless, there are ethnic tensions and the rapprochement with the EU is stalling.