Day - 15
One hour of career guidance for a girl in South Africa’s townships
The Boxgirls are changing South Africa – strong girls, safe communities

Career guidance and violence prevention in the townships

Career guidance and violence prevention for girls in the townships of South Africa.
Instructors provide career and training perspectives as well as social skills at the Boxgirls After School Club twice a week.
Measurable performance
165 girls gain important knowledge about protection from sexual violence and improve their school performance.
The girls’ self-confidence and career prospects are strengthened and enable them to pursue their academic and personal goals.
Systemically relevant impact
Women in the townships should be given the opportunity to participate socially and politically and the social role of women in the communities should be strengthened.

The good deed
AboutSouth Africa
Pretoria (executive), Cape Town (legislative), Bloemfontein (judicial)
Capital city
54 956 900

5 727 USD
Gross domestic product
per capita per year

Human Development Index
(Human Development Index)