Day 22

4 minutes of counseling for a woman in need in Ukraine

Feel the ground beneath your feet again Feel the ground beneath your feet again

4 minutes of counseling for a woman in need in Ukraine
Day 22
Violence against women in the Ukraine conflict

Until 2014, Olena lived in Gnutovo, a small village in eastern Ukraine. When the war began, Olena's house came under fire. The family had to flee, and Olena's husband lost his job. When he drank too much alcohol, he became violent. For Olena and her children, war is not just what happens at the front, but also the climate of violence that spreads to the closest family circle. Olena was exposed to this violence for a long time - until she met AMICA's mobile team, which regularly visits her village: a psychologist, a doctor, a lawyer. "Thanks to them, I was slowly able to feel solid ground under my feet again," says Olena. Today she leads a self-help group for and with women who have experienced similar things to her and are suffering from the ongoing conflict. This solidarity is important to Olena. She is certain that solidarity is needed to stop the spiral of violence and open up new perspectives.

Violence against women in the Ukraine conflict
Help and advice for women in Eastern Ukraine who are in distress due to experiences of war and violence.
Mobile teams travel to the conflict zone and support women affected by violence with psychosocial, medical and legal advice.
Measurable performance
Number of counseling hours and women who were helped as a result.
The women overcome psychological and physical stress, know their rights and can live self-determined lives.
Systemically relevant impact
Improved protection against violence against women and empowerment of women in Eastern Ukraine.

There has been war in eastern Ukraine since 2014. Around 2.7 million people live on both sides of the conflict line that runs between Ukrainian government troops and pro-Russian separatists. 2 million of them are women, children and elderly people, whose everyday lives are made difficult by numerous checkpoints and a lack of basic services (Amnesty International, 2020). There is a lack of vital services such as health care and social facilities. The longer the conflict lasts, the more violence becomes socially accepted - and this is often directed against women. One in three women say they have experienced or witnessed sexualized violence in war, and even more women are affected by domestic violence (Besohl & House, 2020). They suffer from anxiety disorders, panic attacks and a feeling of massive helplessness. In addition, women are poorly informed about their rights. They rarely know what legal options they have or where they can find protection. Many live in poverty and have little room for maneuver. In such a context, it is almost impossible for a woman who is a victim of violence to receive protection and help. This is precisely why the professional advice provided by our team is so essential. It offers women a much-needed safe space and the chance to take control of their own lives again.

Region Donezk Ukraine
Day 22 Day 22
The good deed

With today's good deed, you are supporting women in eastern Ukraine who are suffering from war and violence. Your donation enables them to receive help from social workers, psychologists, lawyers and doctors. They advise the women in the counseling center in Mariupol and in 20 locations in the conflict zone, where mobile teams regularly offer their support. Thanks to your good deed, the women can overcome psychological and physical stress. The counseling sessions give them new strength for self-care and self-help. They are also better informed about their rights and know how to advocate for them in their social environment. The counseling helps the women and their relatives to better understand and combat the mechanisms of sexualized violence against women.

Capital city
44 134 693
44 134 693
Gross domestic product per capita per year
Rank 74 of 189
Rank 74 of 189
Human Development Index (Human Development Index)

Landmines and explosive remnants of war make eastern Ukraine one of the most dangerous areas in the world. Ukraine is among the 5 countries with the most mine victims – almost all of them civilians (bpb, 2021).