Day 14

1 m2 of forest as a secure habitat for animals in Germany

Forests as a habitat for animals in Germany Forests as a habitat for animals in Germany Forests as a habitat for animals in Germany Forests as a habitat for animals in Germany

1 m2 of forest as a secure habitat for animals in Germany
Day 14
Buy forests and develop them into species-rich, climate-protecting natural treasures

Natural forests are a place of life. Not only deer, squirrels and wild boar live here, many other animals also find shelter in the old gnarled giant trees. Bats hide in tree hollows and crevices during the day, the hammering of woodpeckers fills the air, and the impressive stag beetle defends its territory. It is exciting to look at an old tree that has fallen over; as deadwood, it offers valuable habitat for a wide variety of beetles and fungi and at the same time creates space for new tree shoots to sprout. But living natural forests with their lifelike cycle of growth and decay are rare in Germany. One third of Germany is covered by forest, but almost all of it is used as commercial forest (BMEL, 2014).

Buy forests and develop them into species-rich, climate-protecting natural treasures
Creation of natural forests in Germany for biodiversity and climate protection.
The NABU National Natural Heritage Foundation buys forests that are left unused and are allowed to develop into species-rich and climate-protecting primeval forests of tomorrow.
Measurable performance
Number of square meters of forest that can be purchased.
We are taking our forests out of use. Species that are sensitive to disturbance and dependent on old and dead wood are finding a new home in our forests.
Systemically relevant impact
Our forests make an important long-term contribution to the preservation of biodiversity and climate protection in Europe.

The older and less used forests are, the higher their biodiversity. Over a quarter of the plant, animal and fungal species living in the forest depend on deadwood, which is allowed to remain in the forest primarily in unused natural and primeval forests (Schiegg Pasinelli & Suter, 2002). But not even 3 percent of forests in Germany are allowed to develop as natural forests (Rosenthal et al., 2015). This has direct consequences for biodiversity, which is significantly lower in commercial forests than in unused forests (Wermellinger & Duelli, 2001). In commercial forests, trees are felled after just a third of their natural lifespan, before the structures that are vital for many forest species, such as deadwood, caves and coarse bark, have been able to develop (Biermayer, 2020; Plate, 2010). For example, beech trees in commercial forests are usually felled when they are 140 years old. For wood-dwelling species, however, beech trees, which reach an age of around 300 years, only become interesting in the second half of their life and as dying deadwood (Plate, 2010). A quarter of all beetle species and forest dwellers such as the middle spotted woodpecker, crested tit or dormouse depend on rotten wood (Schmidt, 2006; Franz et al., 2006).
That is why we are taking our forests out of use and creating natural forests that develop permanently free from human influence and, with plenty of old trees and dead wood, become a refuge for numerous animal and plant species.

Day 14 Day 14
The good deed

With your good deed today, you are making it possible to buy one square meter of forest in Germany, which will then be released from use. In this way, species-rich mixed deciduous forests can develop into the "primeval forest of tomorrow" and become home to numerous species that are sensitive to disturbance and dependent on old and dead wood. Natural mixed deciduous forests are not only habitats for countless animal and plant species. With their ability to store 10 to 13 tons of CO2 per hectare per year, they are also an important player in climate protection (Riedel et al., 2019). Less than 3 percent of forests in this country are allowed to develop as natural forests (Rosenthal et al., 2015). The result is a lack of species, disappearing species and a lack of carbon dioxide storage capacity. By creating the primeval forests of tomorrow, we are making a contribution to biodiversity and climate protection in Germany.

Capital city
83 240 525
83 240 525
Gross domestic product per capita per year
Rank 6 of 189
Rank 6 of 189
Human Development Index (Human Development Index)

32 percent of Germany's total area is forested (BMEL, 2014). However, only less than 3 percent of the forest area has been completely deforested in order to restore primeval forest-like structures (Rosenthal et al., 2015).