Day 10

3m2 wildflower meadow to protect bees in Germany

Flowering Islands in the City Flowering Islands in the City Flowering Islands in the City Flowering Islands in the City

3m2 wildflower meadow to protect bees in Germany
Day 10
wildflower meadows for bees

"Now we just need a watering can of water," explains educator Jens to the twelve preschool children from the Frankfurt daycare center. Over the last four weeks, the boys and girls have been busy with bees and flowers. Today they got to work on a previously unused corner right next to the daycare center. A flower meadow for bees and other insects is being created here on twenty square meters. Six-year-old Julia is allowed to tie the sign to the fence with a strong string. There it now stands for all to see: A small paradise for bees and people! "Just a week ago, this corner was a place where passers-by thoughtlessly threw their garbage and the city didn't care," says the educator and continues: "Now the children are turning it into a meadow for wild bees that will hopefully soon be in bloom." Jens and the children are already looking forward to watching the wild bees on the new meadow in summer.

wildflower meadows for bees
Flowering meadows to protect endangered wild bees and other insects.
Fallow land and desolate green spaces in cities, along with schools and daycare centers, are being transformed into wildflower meadows.
Measurable performance
Number of square meters of area converted into wildflower meadows.
Wildflower meadows have created habitat for wild bees and wild bee species have settled there.
Systemically relevant impact
Habitat for wild bees and other insects is sustainably expanded and biodiversity in cities is protected.

Bees and insects in Germany are under threat: Since 1989, the number of insects has declined by around 80 percent (NABU, 2019). The number and diversity of bees, bumblebees and other pollinators is also declining dramatically. More than half of all bee species in Germany are already on the so-called 'Red List' of endangered species. More than 30 species are even threatened with extinction (BUND, 2019). In Germany, many natural habitats of bees are being changed and partially destroyed by industrial agriculture and urban development. Often only one crop is found in fields and more and more natural habitats such as wildflower meadows are disappearing in cities. However, natural wildflower meadows are particularly important for bees and many other insects. They serve as a central source of food. In addition, bees pollinate around 80 percent of all fruit and vegetables (BMU; 2019). In order to preserve biodiversity in cities and create a habitat for bees, many small green islands are therefore needed.

Frankfurt, Germany
Day 10 Day 10
The good deed

With today's good deed, you are supporting the Bee Rescuers initiative: Together with daycare centers, schools, and committed citizens, it is transforming fallow land and unused meadows into ecologically valuable wildflower meadows. The Bee Rescuers provide seed mixtures with bee-friendly wildflower seeds and educational materials. Educational specialists and teachers can incorporate the seed campaign into lessons or project weeks. Children learn in a playful way how important bee pollination is for our nature. With each good deed, up to three square meters of species-rich wildflower meadow bloom and networks of green spaces are created in the cities. The cities bloom, the quality of life for people increases, and the habitat for the endangered bees is protected.

Capital city
Gross domestic product per capita per year
Rank 5 of 189
Rank 5 of 189
Human Development Index (Human Development Index)

Intensive agriculture and urban densification are causing habitats for insects to disappear. Today, around 300 of 560 wild bee species and a third of all wild plants are on the Red List of endangered species.