Day 17

Seeds for 1.6 hectares of Masailand in Kenya

Food for droughts Food for droughts

Seeds for 1.6 hectares of Masailand in Kenya
Day 17
Grassland for Maasai cattle in southern Kenya

Vast savannahs, acacia trees, zebras, giraffes and lions: these are the typical images that come to mind when people think of Kenya. The images that attract hundreds of thousands of tourists to the East African country every year. The Maasai as a population group belong to this landscape and live in the south of Kenya. Many people recognize the Maasai by their red scarves and their strikingly colorful jewelry in the form of necklaces, bracelets and earrings. What very few people know: The land on which the wild animals live, where lodges are located and safaris are carried out, is traditional Maasai land and is owned by the community. Today, huge areas of the land have been designated as nature reserves. It is often foreign investors who set up private nature reserves and build accommodation in Maasai land. Due to this development and the difficult climatic conditions, it is becoming increasingly difficult for the Maasai to make a living from the land.

Grassland for Maasai cattle in southern Kenya
Grass banks and hay supplies for Maasai cattle in times of drought.
Local NGO supplies Maasai communities with seeds, advises them on the selection of areas and trains them in cultivation, harvesting and management of grass banks.
Measurable performance
Number of hectares of land reseeded and sustainably protected for grass banks.
Creation of emergency reserves of animal feed for periods of drought to reduce herd mortality.
Systemically relevant impact
Improved survival chances of the herds through the creation of feed reserves and increased food security for the Maasai.

The Maasai still live traditionally as semi-nomadic pastoralists. The dry savannah land does not allow for farming even under the best conditions. The meat, milk and blood of their cattle are the basis of their food and income. The Maasai's entire way of life revolves around their herds. They are extremely dependent on sufficient rainfall so that enough grass grows for the animals. Today, however, two to three rainy seasons in a row fail every three to five years. The consequences of drought, overgrazing and deforestation combined with climate change are leading to increasing desertification.

While 20 years ago it was possible for pastoralists to leave the community land with their animals and travel as far as Tanzania or central Kenya to graze and search for water sources, this is no longer possible today. The reasons for this are the privatization of land and the expansion of industrial areas. Since the Maasai families depend on their animals, drought and limited living space lead to serious problems. The Maasai can no longer feed themselves and are increasingly becoming recipients of food aid. In addition, there is a lack of knowledge about management practices and tourism.

Nairobi, Kenia
Day 17 Day 17
The good deed

Grass banks are being set up on around 50,000 hectares of Masai land to ensure that the Masai livestock survive even in times of drought. This good deed involves sowing grass varieties suitable for the climate in protected areas and then keeping the areas free of livestock. Hay is regularly made and stored. At the same time, when there is a shortage of feed, areas are made available for livestock, especially dairy cows and calves. In this way, these grass banks sustainably reduce the mortality rate of animals. In addition, the Masai are being trained to make better use of their existing resources. The grass banks are part of a large-scale project to expand organic farming, access to water, livestock marketing, sustainable pastoral management techniques and the creation of nature reserves.

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46 790 758
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Nairobi is the only city in the world that has a national park within its city limits. At the same time, Nairobi is home to one of the largest slums in the world: Kibera.