Day 14

Two food deliveries to people in need in Brandenburg

Lunch on two wheels Lunch on two wheels

Two food deliveries to people in need in Brandenburg
Day 14
Participation of older people in community life

"I don't know where I am. What happened here? The ghost town begins - here deep in the East." The song by the German artist Clueso is called Ghost Town. It is about forgotten places in East Germany that are slowly and quietly disappearing after the fall of the Wall. The district of Hohenstücken in Brandenburg an der Havel is one such place. Many have left, few have stayed. More and more apartment blocks are disappearing and with them the people. Hohenstücken is shrinking. But a group of long-term unemployed people and pensioners have found each other and do not want to accept this development. They are trying to breathe new life into the district with a social district café - the Café Miteinander. Here you can get coffee and cake and a hot lunch. The hot lunch is prepared and eaten together with the older people from the district. It offers space for conversation and the residents can talk about their worries and find people who will listen to them.

Participation of older people in community life
Healthy meals and social participation to prevent the isolation of older and needy people in a shrinking urban district.
Delivery of a hot lunch made from home-produced ingredients to people who are not mobile due to age or illness.
Measurable performance
Number of meals delivered to households in need.
The lunch table reaches people in need in their homes. 10 meals are delivered from each lunch table.
Systemically relevant impact
The community garden and the lunch table on two wheels are established. The social participation of lonely older people in Hohenstücken is strengthened.

In the 1970s, the district of Hohenstücken was built to house steel workers. After the end of the GDR and the disappearance of the steel industry, the district lost its appeal. Those who could afford it moved away. This left behind mainly immobile and financially weak sections of the population. Today, the proportion of people who are dependent on social benefits is just under 50%.

The population is aging rapidly and the care situation for people in need of help and care is inadequate, also due to the shortage of nursing staff. There is a high level of poverty among the elderly. The proportion of people over the age of 65 who receive financial support from the state is three times higher than in the urban area (City of Brandenburg an der Havel, 2014). These people often also lack social connections.

Brandenburg an der Havel, Deutschland
Day 14 Day 14
The good deed

The donation will be used to buy a cargo bike, warming boxes and serving solutions, which will enable the lunch to reach those people who cannot come to Café Miteinander due to their age or illness. Volunteers then deliver the food to those in need. An important side effect: people often receive visitors and are asked how they are and whether they need further help. In addition, the city of Brandenburg provides a garden plot that is open to all residents and initiatives in the district. The AuWiHo association would like to use part of the community garden to plant various vegetables and fruits, which will then be processed in the café for the lunch. With the donation from 24guteTaten, raised beds will be created and seedlings planted. The community will be strengthened and the ghost town will become greener, warmer and a lively place for everyone.

Capital city
82 521 653
82 521 653
Gross domestic product per capita per year
Human Development Index (Human Development Index)

Wealth in Germany is becoming increasingly unequally distributed. Between 2003 and 2015, the number of people living in poverty in old age more than doubled (Der Paritätische, 2018).