Day 9

80 m² of wildlife corridors are created in a Peruvian jungle

Improves family income and protects the Puyu Sacha forest Improves family income and protects the Puyu Sacha forest

80 m² of wildlife corridors are created in a Peruvian jungle
Day 9
Expansion and connection of separated forest areas through game corridors

The Puyu Sacha cloud forest is a pristine forest area. Rare species such as the Andean cliff bird, the woolly monkey, the spectacled bear, the quetzal bird and many more are at home here. The forest is also home to a flora that plays an essential role in regulating the local climate. The cloud forests of the eastern Andean foothills, such as the Puyu Sacha forest, store moisture that then rises to the Amazon plain and is absorbed by the mountain forests. This ensures the stability of the hydrographic system that regulates the Amazon basin.

Expansion and connection of separated forest areas through game corridors
Creation of wildlife corridors to expand and preserve habitat in the region around the Puyu Sacha forest.
Local NGO trains small farmers in agroforestry system and creates wildlife corridors with native trees.
Measurable performance
Number of wildlife crossing corridors created, monitored and controlled that were financed through the project
Measurable recovery of wildlife populations and increased income for local residents
Systemically relevant impact
Improving the economic situation of families, protecting biodiversity in the region and increasing awareness among the population about protecting the environment.

More than half of the inhabitants of the region around the Puyu Sacha cloud forest live in poverty, mostly from subsistence farming (growing coffee, bananas, citrus fruits, avocados and beans). When more land is needed for cultivation because the existing land is no longer producing much, trees are felled or forest areas are set on fire to create it. The families' main concern is survival. They know of no other environmentally friendly methods of creating new land for cultivation than deforestation in order to make a meager living. Under these circumstances, it is not possible for many families to provide their own children with a healthy diet and an education.
Deforestation reduces the habitat for the animals and plants that live there. The spectacled bear, for example, needs a very large habitat, but it has now been pushed back to a very small area.
With our project, we not only want to protect this area and expand it through the wildlife corridors, but also improve the living conditions of the local population. Therefore, the 300 families in the region are receiving training so that they can make the most of their farmland by applying environmentally friendly land use methods and earn a higher income by selling their products (especially coffee). They are also learning how to make better use of the forest islands on their cultivated land to also generate income, for example by planting native fruit trees whose fruit they can later sell.

Puyu Sacha, Selva Central, Chanchamayo, Departament Junín, Peru
Day 9 Day 9
The good deed

With our project we want to connect and protect forest islands between the Santuario Nacional Pampa Hermosa, the Puyu Sacha mountain cloud forest and the Fundo Genova in the rainforest region in the province of Chanchamayo (Lima). First, an inventory of the privately owned forest islands (300 hectares in total) will be carried out and a decision will be made as to where exactly the wildlife corridors will be created. After that, experts will undertake three expeditions to the cloud forest to collect seeds from native trees to propagate them in four tree nurseries. The native trees obtained there will be used to create the wildlife corridors and connect the separate forest areas. To ensure the sustainable protection of the area, a control and monitoring system will be introduced and three forest guards will be trained.

Capital city
Gross domestic product per capita per year
Human Development Index (Human Development Index)

The Nazca Lines from pre-Columbian times are located in Peru. They are huge geoglyphs of animals and people that were drawn in the Nazca and Palpa deserts in Peru.