Day 21

10 m² of species-rich flowering areas are sown in southern Germany

Blooming landscapes Blooming landscapes

10 m² of species-rich flowering areas are sown in southern Germany
Day 21
Protecting biodiversity in southern Germany

The death of bees is on the rise worldwide. In southern Germany in particular, bees and other insects are under increasing pressure. In addition to Varroa mites and toxic chemicals, the landscapes with few flowers are causing problems for bee colonies. As early as July, a period of food shortages begins for many insects. With species-rich flower meadows, bees and other insects are once again provided with a richly laid table and can gain strength. Many wild animals also benefit from the extensification of agricultural land and the colorful areas enrich the landscape.

Protecting biodiversity in southern Germany
Species-rich flowering areas as habitat and food source
Motivate landowners to plant perennial flower mixtures and actively support their implementation.
Measurable performance
Number of square metres of flower meadows that could be protected and cared for through the donation
Measurable increase in biodiversity through the project
Systemically relevant impact
Stabilization of the number of bee colonies in southern Germany.

Formerly extensively used areas are now intensively cultivated and traditional crop rotations have been replaced by monocultures or intensive use. The traditional orchards and hedges structured the landscape and provided bees and other insects with sufficient food until autumn. But these structures are becoming increasingly rare and are no longer available as a source of food.
For this reason, the Lake Constance Foundation has been working for many years to create a landscape that is richer in species and, above all, richer in flowers. Farmers, municipalities and nature conservationists work closely together in the Blooming Lake Constance network and set important accents by sowing native flowering plant mixtures. A lot can also be achieved by working with biogas farmers. Special perennial flowering mixtures can be grown as an alternative to intensive energy crops such as corn. This creates small flowering islands all over the region and offers insects a valuable source of food until late summer.

Lake Constance region, Germany
Day 21 Day 21
The good deed

The creation of flowering areas takes place in close cooperation with regional actors. Together we select an area and decide on a suitable flower mixture depending on the location. The aim is to use mainly perennial flower mixtures. The fact that they remain for several years guarantees the insects a permanent habitat and firmly anchors the flower islands in our landscape.

Capital city
45,084.87 USD
45,084.87 USD
Gross domestic product per capita per year
Human Development Index (Human Development Index)

The south is more affected by the bee deaths than the north of Germany.