Day 1

10 bricks for the construction of an elephant food kitchen in Zambia

From valuable billiard balls, piano keys From valuable billiard balls, piano keys

10 bricks for the construction of an elephant food kitchen in Zambia
Day 1
and orphaned elephant children

One of the most common causes of death for African elephants is the global greed for ivory. The grey giants are hunted mercilessly and are already on the verge of extinction in large parts of Africa. The ivory is used as a valuable material for making jewelry, billiard balls, piano keys and the like. The poachers only let the smallest ones live: young elephants do not yet have tusks - killing them would be a waste of ammunition. Severely traumatized, they are usually the only witnesses to the cruel hunt for elephants. But they cannot survive in the wild without their family: they lack the shade they find under the fat bellies of their mothers and aunts, the herd that protects them from attacks by big cats and the nutritious mother's milk: a baby elephant needs 25 liters of it every day. It gives the little ones the strength they need to grow.

and orphaned elephant children
Food for orphaned elephants
Build a food kitchen for the elephant orphanage in Zambia.
Measurable performance
Building assessment: How far has construction progressed? (Expectation: construction completed)
The elephant orphanage’s capacity is increasing and visitor numbers are rising.
Systemically relevant impact
Elephant orphanage as a tourist attraction, symbolic effect for species conservation and source of income for the local population.

Millions of elephants originally populated the African continent. Over the course of the 20th century, their numbers were dramatically reduced, and in some regions they were even eradicated. Ivory poaching halved Africa's elephant population between 1979 and 1989, from around 1.2 million to 600,000. Today, only 422,000 animals are considered to be safe.
Although the Washington Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) banned the international ivory trade in 1989 and poaching fell significantly, some governments were calling for the trade to be resumed just eight years later. Often, it has a semi-legal status, as in Zimbabwe and Tanzania, where ivory carvings can be exported for "non-commercial purposes." This legal ambiguity provides the perfect cover for illegal traders.
The ivory trade has boomed in recent years, particularly in Asian countries. In 2000, three African countries exported 50 tons of ivory from state stockpiles to Japan; in 2008, 108 tons were exported to Japan and China. This is big business for traders. Around 3.8 tons of ivory are worth 2.5 million euros on the black market alone. This makes it difficult to get the problem under control. Illegal trade has increased dramatically, particularly since 2011. Originally, one million elephants inhabited the African continent. Over the course of the 20th century, elephant populations were drastically reduced and in some regions even eradicated. Ivory poaching halved Africa's elephant population from around 1.2 million to 600,000 between 1979 and 1989. Today, the population is estimated at 422,000 animals, with the highest estimate being 670,000 ( ). Although the CITES Convention, adopted in 1989, banned the international ivory trade and poaching declined significantly as the main markets in Europe collapsed, eight years later some governments called for the trade to be resumed. Often the trade has a semi-legal status, as in Zimbabwe and Tanzania, where ivory carvings can be exported on a "non-commercial" basis. This legal ambiguity is the perfect cover for illegal traders.
The ivory trade has boomed in recent years, particularly in Asian countries. In 2000, three African countries exported 50 tons of ivory from state stockpiles to Japan, and in 2008 another 108 tons to Japan and China. This is big business for the traders. Around 3.8 tons of ivory alone are worth 2.5 million euros on the black market. It is therefore difficult to get the problem under control. The illegal trade has increased dramatically, especially since 2011.

Day 1 Day 1
The good deed

The elephants are taken in and cared for in the elephant orphanage in Lusaka. The concept of the facility is already well established. Now it is time to expand the station, develop further infrastructure and thus create a permanent institution for Zambia's elephants. This includes a feed kitchen in a weatherproof, stable building. At the moment, milk is prepared for the eleven elephant orphans in tents. The temporary facility makes everyday work on site more difficult: a good 300 liters of milk are produced here every day - the installation of running water and electricity is essential.

Capital city
13,460,305 (2013)
13,460,305 (2013)
1474 US$
1474 US$
Gross domestic product per capita per year
Human Development Index (Human Development Index)

Zambia lies on a plateau over 1000 metres high, surrounded by deep valleys and depressions. As a result, there are countless waterfalls in the country, of which Victoria Falls is the most famous.