Day 1
4.7 kg of green fodder for gorillas and chimpanzees in Cameroon
Give the monkey ginger!

Protecting great apes – together with the local population

Healthy and varied green fodder for endangered gorillas, chimpanzees and other monkeys in Cameroon.
Former hunters collect wild plants and local farmers sell green fodder for the animals in the rescue center.
Measurable performance
For each good deed, the monkeys at the LWC rescue center receive 4.7 kg of plant mix.
This will ensure the long-term nutrition of 200 primates. Up to 200 people from Batoke will receive a secure and ecologically sustainable income from the “Green Project” and will become active conservationists.
Systemically relevant impact
Poaching is decreasing, and the chances of survival for gorillas, chimpanzees and other wild animals are permanently increasing.

The good deed

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26 545 864
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Rank 153 of 189
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(Human Development Index)