Day 6

A meal for a disadvantaged child in Brazil

Help for daycare centers in favelas Help for daycare centers in favelas Help for daycare centers in favelas Help for daycare centers in favelas

A meal for a disadvantaged child in Brazil
Day 6
Providing care for children in the slums of Rio de Janeiro

Maria Clara trudges up the hill with effort. She places her little feet in colorful flip-flops between stones, mud and garbage. Every weekday, just before seven, the two-year-old makes this journey holding her mother's hand, because that's when she goes to daycare. Many children climb the hill at this time, holding the hand of their parents or older siblings. Those who don't have anyone to take them cannot go to daycare - the climb is too difficult and too dangerous. Not just because of the risk of slipping.

Providing care for children in the slums of Rio de Janeiro
Daily meals for children in slums in Brazil.
Provision of basic food baskets for poor families as well as regular meals for children and young people in daycare centers and youth centers.
Measurable performance
Number of boys and girls who receive a meal daily.
Healthy development of children as well as an increase in concentration and performance.
Systemically relevant impact
Improved educational and professional future prospects for children.

Inequality in income distribution and high levels of poverty are historical problems in Brazil. The country continues to face the challenge of overcoming the historical legacy of social injustice. 10% of the population of the state of Rio de Janeiro lives in the so-called "favelas". Children living in Rio's slums are not only exposed to constant dangers (neglect, armed conflicts, drug trafficking, violence), they also often suffer from hunger.

Almost 700,000 families in the state of Rio de Janeiro receive state aid (so-called “bolsa família”). This is paid to families with a per capita income of less than 85.00 reais (approx. 25.00 euros) per month. This state aid is often the only source of income, especially for single mothers. Without a permanent job, the income is not enough to ensure that the children receive a daily meal.

Day 6 Day 6
The good deed

Today's donation will enable children to be cared for in the daycare center. They receive healthy meals and clean drinking water every day. Despite the difficult living conditions, the daycare centers lay the foundation for healthy development from an early age. Primary school children visit the children's and youth centers after school. There they can take part in tutoring and remedial classes as well as various courses. In order to be able to concentrate on learning at all, the daily meal is an important part of the care here too. If girls or boys live in extreme poverty, the families receive a basic food basket.

Capital city
207 652 900
207 652 900
8 727
8 727
Gross domestic product per capita per year
Human Development Index (Human Development Index)

Brazil has long been known for being one of the countries with the highest income inequality in the world. Although much has improved, inequality is still a major problem in Brazil.