Day 20

A physiotherapy session for a child with disabilities in Nepal

Physiotherapy against cerebral palsy Physiotherapy against cerebral palsy Physiotherapy against cerebral palsy Physiotherapy against cerebral palsy

A physiotherapy session for a child with disabilities in Nepal
Day 20
Physiotherapy for Nepalese children

Ram lives in a mountain village in Nepal. Since birth he has barely been able to move his legs and has difficulty speaking, swallowing and eating. He has cerebral palsy. When his parents hear about a therapy center in Kathmandu, Ram's father carries him on his back for five days over the mountains to Kathmandu. They say that the treatment can be paid for with donations. They build a wheelchair out of a garden chair and show Ram gymnastics to relieve the pain. His disability will never go away, but thanks to the wheelchair Ram no longer has to lie down all day and a physiotherapist comes to his home every four weeks.

Physiotherapy for Nepalese children
Physiotherapy and medical aids for children with cerebral palsy as well as education and training for families.
The SGCP therapy center treats children in the center and during home visits.
Measurable performance
Number of physiotherapy sessions that can be carried out through the donation.
The quality of life of children who are already ill is improved. Pain is reduced, mobility is increased and secondary diseases are avoided.
Systemically relevant impact
Parents are informed about the development of cerebral palsy and can thus better avoid the disease in future pregnancies.

It is estimated that there are around 60,000 to 80,000 people in Nepal who suffer from cerebral palsy. Cerebral palsy is a brain injury that occurs in early childhood. It is caused by a lack of oxygen before, during or after birth. Other causes include infectious diseases, medication or alcohol.

Those affected suffer from disorders of the nervous system and muscles, resulting in mental and/or physical disabilities.

Day 20 Day 20
The good deed

The organization SGCP (Self-help Group for Cerebral Palsy) has been treating affected children with physiotherapy and speech therapy in its therapy center and through home visits for 25 years. Trained physiotherapists visit affected families in their homes, treat the children and teach the parents how to support their children. The families are also supported with aids, information material and the establishment of contact points. The educational work of SGCP, for example in schools, also helps to prevent the re-emergence of cerebral palsy.

Capital city
Capital city
28 982 800
28 982 800
Gross domestic product per capita per year
Human Development Index (Human Development Index)

In addition to Mount Everest, the highest mountain in the world, there are seven other "8000m peaks" in Nepal.