Day 11
A family in Guatemala can cook smoke-free for a month
Economical cooking stoves instead of open fire Economical cooking stoves instead of open fire

Efficient stoves protect the health of women and children

Economical cooking stoves for Mayan families in Guatemala who previously cooked on open fires.
Welthaus Bielefeld installs cookers worth 120 euros each in the kitchens of needy families. The families themselves pay a contribution of 25 euros.
Measurable performance
Number of efficient cooking stoves that can be installed with the donation.
Fewer respiratory diseases due to almost smoke-free cooking. Families spend less money and time on collecting firewood.
Systemically relevant impact
Improved health of Mayan families. The forest can regenerate.

The good deed
Guatemala City
Capital city
16 582 500

4 089
Gross domestic product
per capita per year
Human Development Index
(Human Development Index)