Day 13

22 kg of CO₂ are saved in a household in Mannheim

Save electricity - protect the climate Save electricity - protect the climate

22 kg of CO₂ are saved in a household in Mannheim
Day 13
Electricity saving check for low-income households - over 100,000 have already checked it

Germany is one of the richest countries in the world. At the same time, this wealth is also passed by many people. One in seven households in Germany is considered poor or at risk of poverty. At the same time, Germany is trying to take on a pioneering role in the area of climate protection. But when climate protection policies are considered, it is often argued that ambitious climate protection measures are not socially acceptable. The opposite is the case. This is proven by the "Electricity Saving Checks" project run by Caritas Mannheim.

Electricity saving check for low-income households - over 100,000 have already checked it
Reducing fossil fuels and creating employment opportunities for the long-term unemployed
Electricity saving checks are carried out by long-term unemployed people
Measurable performance
Number of tonnes of CO₂ saved by the project
Number of houses that actually reduce their electricity consumption after the energy saving checks
Systemically relevant impact
The electricity saving check helps find long-term strategies to reduce CO₂.

Unemployment is more than just not having a job. People who are affected feel socially excluded and do not take part in social life. Work means giving meaning to your own life and having a place in society. The Caritas Association Mannheim eV has been involved in the field of employment promotion for years. Placement in the primary labor market, qualification to improve career prospects and concrete employment opportunities are part of the services offered by the Caritas Association Mannheim eV. The "Electricity Saving Check" project expands the range of employment promotion services and is to be established in Mannheim in the long term. The idea of the project is that long-term unemployed people are trained to help people save electricity, who then carry out a check on electricity and water consumption in low-income households and show ways of saving.

City of Mannheim, Germany
Day 13 Day 13
The good deed
Capital city
45,084.87 USD
45,084.87 USD
Gross domestic product per capita per year
Human Development Index (Human Development Index)

Germany is one of the few European countries on the way to completely phasing out nuclear energy.